This year, Suffield senior Emily Greene enlisted into the CT National Guard. While she continues to finish out her final year of high school, she is well aware that her life will change pretty quickly...
Recent animated movies created by Disney have been nothing short of boring, and Moana 2 continues that trend. With the recent releases of Wish and Elemental, the movies have been predictable and worthy...
At Suffield High School one sport you scarcely hear about is the boys swim team. You rarely hear about any swimmers from Suffield, and you never know when their meets are. The boy's swim team not getting...
The Aqua Turf Club held the annual All-State Field Hockey Banquet on Tuesday December 3rd at 6:30pm with families, friends, coaches, and athletes all having a dinner spent together to honor the athletes...
As winter approaches, so does the exciting season of winter sports. Boys basketball tryouts will take place on Thursday, December 5th, Friday, December 6th, and Saturday, December 7th. Having managed the...