Kaylyn Ambrosino
This week on “The Cooking Side of Things” I was honored enough to be able to join Suffield High School’s Cooking Club for a day to understand the secret ingredient of both the club and this famous grilled cheese that no one would stop talking about. On December 19th, 2024 “The Cooking Club,” of Suffield High School, hosted by culinary teacher, Chef. Haefner took on this simplest but exciting challenge with English teacher, Mr. Kibby and his secret way of mastering the grilled cheese.
I learned during our interview with Chef. Haefner that the Cooking Club was made during the Covid 19 pandemic when students were at home doing online learning. It was a way for her to connect with her students and be able to work together from the safety of their home. Once students were able to go back in person, the club adapted so students and staff demonstrate their skills. She also mentioned that the club “is a way for students to be able to work on their leadership and presenting skills.” She continued, “for students that might not have been able to get the chance to take Food’s class and get some culinary skills, and for students that are in food class to work on their skills and meet new people.”
During Mr. Kibby’s demonstration he was able to catch the students attention quickly by bringing a little bit of his energetic and funny personality. Even Chef. Haefner was impressed when I talked to her in our interview, and other students also complimented his denomination. Many said how his instructions were easy to follow, very clear and precise. Which I could completely agree with, by Mr. Kibby incorporating some of his humor into the presentation itself made it feel fun and exciting.
Mr. Kibby didn’t just bring his energy but also a little bit of science into it, which was unexpected coming from an English teacher. He talked about the difference between the melting point of butter and the secret ingredient, which led into the reason why the secret ingredient was the preferred choice to use. We’ll get into what specifically was the secret ingredient later on. As he closed his demonstration he showed the famous cheese pull and tried it himself. From there the kids were able to go back to their stations and try making it for themselves.
This is when I was able to learn more about the Club itself and the students involved with it. Before this point I had no idea the secrets that laid beneath the surface of such a quaint club.
You wouldn’t think it at first, however, the students involved with the club are very lively and personable. “The Varsity Cooking Club Team” is what they properly referred to themselves as. On this team everyone plays a specific role, whether that’s captain, manager, starter, JV and can’t forget about the left bench. With minimal space on the Varsity Roster everyone works together to compete and make the team the absolute best performing team in the kitchen.
On the other side of the room, students are much more calm compared to the Varsity team. Kai Skorupski gave a little insight on what Cooking Club meant to her, “I think this is an amazing experience, for anyone who wishes to join. I’m new to the school this year, so this was just a really nice way to meet new people and start the school year off.” Another student, Galen Schuster, gave their input, “Cooking Club is such an amazing experience!” Everyone had nothing but gratifying things to say about the club.
Now, for what everyone is probably waiting for. How was the grilled cheese itself?
Going around the room everyone said it was excellent. They were completely suppressed and had no idea how the secret ingredient could change the overall outcome of such a simple dish. Giving the grilled cheese an outstanding overall, 10/10 stars.
As for me, I couldn’t agree more. You can’t go wrong with this dish, the cheese pull, the golden crunch, everything about it makes it perfect for a quick and easy meal. Even Mr. Kibby’s demonstration was fun and entertaining to be a part of. As for the club itself, couldn’t have been more welcoming, exciting and joyful. What an amazing group of people that Chef. Haefner has.
Overall, I have to give everything about my experience a perfect score. I would do this over and over again if I had the opportunity. As for the club’s secret ingredient, is the fact it is not just a club. It’s a team, it’s a friendship, it’s unity, and an amazing environment.
As for the grilled cheese though? It was just mayonnaise.